
NICKNAME: Eddie, Eds
AGE: 33
BIRTHDAY: 32nd, 5th Umbral Moon (31/10, Libra)
RACE: Rava Viera
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic/Neutral Good
MAIN JOB: Warrior | Bard


HAIR: Huge, jet black, glorious— nearly to his calves when wet.EYES: Never seen.HEIGHT: Unusually tall, 6’8”. Most of it is in his legs, quasi-digitigrade.BUILD: Built for raw strength, bearing a towering, fit physique with rounded edges and some plush points along thick arms, a tapered waist, and long legs.VOICE: Surprisingly soft spoken / singingDISTINGUISHING MARKS: Can be easily distinguished from afar by his tremendous head of unruly hair, of which he is very fond. Has many scars from a life of travel and battle, most memorable those on the right side of his face running from beneath his hair, bisecting his lip down to his jawline. Tail.COMMON ACCESSORIES: Rings, rings, many rings, mostly old silver— some plain bands, some braided, some with skulls and creatures— and various items around his wrists of materials from leather, woven hemp, and wooden beads to silver chains and bands. Never without his trusty axe.WEAPON OF CHOICE: Battle Axe— a bladed literal instrument used in the shredding of both enemies and sick riffs.


PROFESSION: Traveling musician and mercenary for hire. Will freely lend his abilities if he deems the cause/work interesting or worthy of his involvement. Will pretend to be asleep otherwise. Food acceptable form of payment.HOBBIES: Music! Singing, dancing, performing. Illustration. Gardening. Relaxing in the sun. Food.LANGUAGES: Fluent in Common and languages spoken by the Viera, Au Ra, and Garleans. Has a moderate grasp of yet many more from his many long travels and storied experiences.RESIDENCE: Itinerant.BIRTHPLACE: A forest too old to have a name, northern Othard.PATRON DIETY: Oschon.RELIGION: Not so much religious as superstitious. Observes customs and practices for luck and good travels, minds not to offend spirits of the places he wanders.FEARS: Stagnation, isolation, imprisonment/loss of freedoms, letting people down.MOTIVATIONS: Wanderlust, companionship. Unlike most of his people, Eddie is an incredibly social creature and thrives in the company of others. He thirsts for adventure and seeks all the wonderful experiences— and food— the vast, colourful world can offer.SKILLS: Skilled instrumentalist and singer, agile climber, formidable close-quarters martial ability, botany/horticulture expertise, fair artist, archery, handyman, outdoor survivalist, linguistic aptitude.LIKES: Food, music, singing, his hair, companionship, animals, relaxing, the rain, spontaneity, adventure.DISLIKES: Keeping in one place, being lied to, authoritarian enforcement, magitek, music snobs, schedules, cruelty, onions, swimming ( wet hair is heavy hair ).FAVORITE FOODS: Paella, seafood, spicy and savoury dishes.FAVORITE DRINKS: Fruity numbers.

A large imposing man who, at first, may come over as intimidating and fierce. And while this can be true when the occasion warrants Eddie is genuinely a gentle and warm spirit— a crooning romantic with a somewhat mischievous streak. He loves little else more than enticing smiles and buoying people’s moods with his music and genial amiability, finding great pleasure in regaling others with song and story, true or tall.While bombastic at times when the mood strikes him and irreverently lazy at others he is, at his core, a soft-spoken, observant, and thoughtful individual prone to looking after others whether or not they desire it. Easy going, rolls with the punches, creative and largely unpredictable in action. Edra is confident in his values, his skills, and seems a man who’s got it all figured out— though someone wise may cotton on to the fact he’s merely making it all up as he goes, hoping for the best as he wanders rather than make a plan, and is a bit of a people-pleaser.May be noted that he has problems with authority and showing up on time and is entirely impenitent about it.

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monster bones

howdy folks, feel free to call me bones or boba or whatever really tickles your fancy. as of now am a 30's nonbinary ace who just likes to hobby draw and RP and who is working towards getting accepted into a uni for sciences after some 15 years of being out of are more than welcome to contact me if eddie seems like a dude you'd like to write with and we can figure something out! mind that i am generally only looking to do so with peoples 21+ for the potential of adult themes. in that vein i do not tolerate any form of queerphobia ooc and am leery of it ic. communication is key!